Fomightez at GitHub

Wayne's Portal for Bioinformatics Code Distribution via GitHub

View the Fomightez Repositories

Welcome to the Fomightez GitHub Portal Pages.

Here you'll find available code that I have developed or informational resources I have shared.


To fork a project and modify it for your own needs, use the GitHub software (GitHub for Windows/Mac) or Git.
Commands for Git:

$ git clone (url of project)
$ cd (project name)
$ git checkout -b (new branch name)
$ ( your work here...)
$ git commit

If you find errors that you fix, please push to GitHub and send me a pull request so that I can improve my code repository as well.

Of course, if you'd rather not use the GitHub system, you can simply retrieve the code you want from the appropriate repository and run it on your coding machine.

To begin either process, click on the 'View the Fomightez Repositories' button above.


The site can be accessed at Much of the code featured here is running in webserver form there. You can enter your data and have it analyzed without needing to download anything.


Support or Contact

Check out You can always tweet @fomightez or contact me at , and I’ll be glad to help you.